The Fair Use Guidelines do not apply to Phone Applications, or other New Media Platforms (web sites, apps, etc.).

is not permitted without requesting formal permission (fees may apply). Use of RSV or NRSV scripture text where the text stands alone, such as: artwork, jewelry, gift product, etc.Special permission is not required for quotations from the RSV or NRSV meeting the above criteria that are utilized in non-salable media, such as such as church bulletins, orders of service, newsletters, class handouts, transparencies or other presentation media, whether electronic or mechanical. See “Copyright Notice and Acknowledgement”, section V, for the appropriate copyright notice for each version of the RSV or NRSV. The applicable notice of copyright must appear in an appropriate location in the publication in which they are quoted.All acceptable guidelines and alternative usages are available as a separate document, which is available upon request.

unless specifically approved to the contrary prior to publication. All quotations must be accurate to the text, including all appropriate punctuation, capitalization, etc.